He went from troubleshooting a CPR training app to using CPR to save his 2-year-old son


系好安全带坐在驾驶座上, 在去达拉斯医院的路上, Tyler Morgan put his phone's video camera into selfie mode and hit record.

Peeking his reddened eyes toward the lens, he started talking.

“所以,我的,我的儿子几乎……就……淹死了. 或者他真的淹死了. 他差点就死了."

摩根一家参加社交聚会时,2岁的贝克汉姆看到一个奥运泳池里漂浮着一条泡沫面. 因为闪电,游泳池禁止入内. But Beckham has always been both fearless and attracted to water. So, 没有人注视, 由于COVID-19大流行,这个男孩在5个月大的时候停止了游泳训练, 我进去追那根面条.

泰勒·摩根和贝克汉姆在婴儿游泳课上. (图片由泰勒·摩根提供)
泰勒·摩根和贝克汉姆在婴儿游泳课上. (图片由泰勒·摩根提供)

他走下几级台阶,伸手去拿. 相反,他的小手把它推开了. 贝克汉姆再次追逐面条,只不过这次是在他无法承受的深水中.

A teenager was the first to notice Beckham floating face down. She jumped in, pulled him out and placed him on his back alongside the edge of the pool. 他的身体毫无生气. 他的脸发紫. 她和两个十几岁的男孩开始尖叫.

From about 30 feet away, Tyler heard the commotion off to his right. 他转向它. 因为桌子和人挡着路, 他所能看到的只有一双穿着黑色游泳裤和黑色凉鞋的小腿,游泳裤的侧面有一条细细的黄绿色条纹.



With a bigger head shake and a shrug, he added: "Kind of myself included."

然而,当泰勒找到贝克汉姆时,他知道了 exactly what to do.

泰勒指着一个人,让他们打911, then he started pushing hard and fast in the center of his son's chest. After a series of compressions, Tyler paused to check if Beckham was breathing. He wasn't. So Tyler began giving rescue breaths between compressions.

对心脏停止跳动的儿童进行心肺复苏术时,人工呼吸尤为重要,因为根本原因通常是呼吸系统. Tyler continued alternating breaths and compressions for about 20 seconds. 然后贝克汉姆咳嗽了.

Although he was breathing again, Beckham remained unresponsive. So Tyler used a single knuckle to rub the boy's sternum. With that jolt, Beckham began crying loudly and breathing deeply.

救护车赶到时,小贝已经被妈妈杰西卡·摩根紧紧地搂在怀里. 当医护人员接手照顾这个男孩时,一个女人抓住泰勒说:“你做到了,爸爸! 我是护士,我看到了整个过程. 我做得再好不过了."

Of all the pieces that snapped into place to save Beckham's life, the most remarkable is how and why Tyler knew what to do.

泰勒是Trivie的工程副总裁, 这家公司从制作应用商店最畅销的游戏,发展到与其他公司合作开展自己的培训项目. Trivie将其基于神经科学的知识竞赛应用到这些程序中,这样重要的信息就会被记住更久. 过去的几年里, Trivie与美国心脏协会合作开发了一款Knowledge Booster应用程序,顾名思义,它可以提供心肺复苏术和其他救生技能的强化培训. 它于1月份推出.

这款应用在3月份进行了重大更新, Tyler scoured the app to make sure everything looked good and was performing well. 在周六, April 9, he spent so much time working on it that he promised his family he'd take off Sunday, 部分原因是为了和他们一起参加泳池派对.

As part of his evaluation, Tyler went through every screen many times. 这包括更频繁地复习每个问题. 他唯一关注的是让应用程序完美运行. 至少,他认为这是他唯一的关注点.

"Because of just the cursory knowledge that I've gained from using that app – in testing, 甚至-我知道要救他的命,泰勒在视频中说道, 他说到最后几句话时声音嘶哑了. 然后他闻了闻, winced, 他回头看了看路,用手捂住嘴,试图恢复镇静.

Each year, 在美国有超过35万人.S. 在医院外心脏骤停. 大约90%的人死亡.

这种几率非常可怕,部分原因是这些人很少接受旁观者的心肺复苏术:只有40%左右. When CPR is performed immediately, survival is up to three times more likely.

Statistics, however, can only go so far in convincing people to learn CPR. Far more persuasive is a story of how things can play out. 这个故事更加扣人心弦,因为视频让每个人都看到和听到了这位救星父亲在救回儿子后和得知预后之前的情绪.

By the time paramedics loaded Beckham into the ambulance, survival wasn't the concern. 生活质量. Nobody knew how long he'd gone without oxygen; was it enough to cause brain damage? There also was the unknown of what other injuries he might've sustained.

救护车只能载一名乘客. 杰西卡走了,留下泰勒自己开车. 他在车流中疾驰而过,他的眼灯闪烁着,像警笛一样警告其他司机. 一路上,泰勒给他妈妈打了电话,又给他爸爸打了电话. 然后他打电话给Trivie的首席执行官劳伦斯·施瓦茨.

尽管泰勒是施瓦茨10年前创立公司时的首批员工之一, 他们不是工作之外的社交朋友. Still, Tyler felt compelled to let him know what happened. 在泰勒处理的所有事情中, 他模糊地意识到,由于施瓦茨引发的一系列线上娱乐电子游戏网站,贝克汉姆还活着.

施瓦茨是一名中风幸存者,他感谢美国心脏协会帮助他康复. When Trivie scientifically validated its approach to learning, 他联系了美国心脏协会,将该公司的知识保留工具应用到心肺复苏术和急救应用程序中. 虽然这是施瓦茨热衷的项目, the idea that Trivie's software could save a life appealed to all his programmers, 包括泰勒.


在把发生的事情脱口而出之后, Tyler told Schwartz they needed to do all they could to get the app to more people. 这时施瓦茨建议他录一段视频.

"Take a video of what you did and how you did it," Schwartz told Tyler. “这可以帮助拯救另一条生命."

他录了大约3分钟. Soon after, he arrived at the hospital and hurried into the emergency room.


Beckham Morgan in the emergency room after being saved with CPR.
Beckham Morgan in the emergency room after being saved with CPR. (图片由泰勒·摩根提供)


Beckham spent that night in the hospital merely for observation. The next day, his pediatrician gave him a clean bill of health.

几天后,摩根一家又回到了游泳池. The main reason was to thank the girl who pulled Beckham out of the water, giving her a happy memory to replace the vision of him being unconscious and purple. 泰勒和杰西卡也很想知道贝克汉姆回到训练中心后会有什么反应.

"He went running by the pool, laughing at it like, 'Look at me! 我不害怕!’”泰勒说. 当然,这一次,我像磁铁一样被他吸引住了."

摩根夫妇最近买了一个小型充气游泳池和一根面条给贝克汉姆上游泳课. (图片由泰勒·摩根提供)
摩根一家最近给贝克汉姆买了一个小型充气游泳池和一个泡沫面,供他上游泳课. (图片由泰勒·摩根提供)

The emotional core of this story is the dual roles played by Tyler.

他是一个差点失去儿子的父亲. And he's a 37-year-old man who brought a 2-year-old boy back to life.

Maybe he should be the one wearing a superhero mask and red cape.

"The only thing I need is to know that he's OK," Tyler said. “这就是奖励. 这就是奖品. My son still exists, and the rest of our lives is not ruined.

"This thread of the multiverse is the one where I get to continue living with my son."

6月1日至7日 心肺复苏术和AED宣传周. 摩根夫妇选择在这个时候分享他们的故事,因为它强调了知道如何拯救生命的重要性,以及学习必要的技能是多么容易. 一旦学会了这些技能,AHA知识助推器应用程序可以帮助保留这些信息. 它适用于 iOS, Android 桌面设备.

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